July 2024 Minutes
North Kyme Parish Council Meeting
Date: Wednesday
10th July 2024 Venue: North Kyme Village Hall Time: 7.00 p.m.
Present: Cllr G Melbourne, Cllr S Minucci, Cllr a Rue, Cllr S Spry, Cllr N Taylor Cllr G Everard, Cllr J Dring, District Councillor A Whittle
In Attendance Carolyn Barber Clerk & RFO.
1. Chairman’s Opening Address – The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. 001/06/2024 - Voting of Vice Chairman Cllr S Spry was proposed by Cllr Melbourne and Seconded by Cllr A Rue, Agreed by all.
3. Apologies - No Apologies – all Cllrs were present.
4. Declarations of Interest - Councillors must declare interests in planning or any items on the agenda - No Declarations from Councillors.
5. Notes of the last meeting held on 19th June 2024 were proposed by Cllr Everard and seconded by the Chairman and they were resolved to be true and accurate minutes for 19th June 2024 and signed by the Chairman.
6. Updates from Councillors: –
117/10/2023 Playpark the meeting went ahead and it was agreed that Team Sports and Play would whacker the surface again and brush in the sand, they would also arrange collection of the skip.
01/07/2024 - Cllr Taylor reported that there has been some vandalism to the fence surrounding the play park and to the swings and slide Cllr Taylor will get the video evidence of this damage from the village hall and report back to the council at the next meeting in September.
003/06/2024 - Cllr G Everard – reported that the mower has been donated to the council and asked if the money could be set aside for when the second mower needed replacing. Proposed by Cllr Rue and seconded Cllr S Minucci agreed by all.
02/07/2024 – District Cllr Whittle will send information for grants for village hall as the village is considered to be a good cause.
03/07/2024 – District Cllr Whittle will be sending some documents for the village newsletter and Cllr Taylor will be creating the newsletter and bringing it to the village fete on the 17th August.
06/06/2024 – North Kyme Village Fete on the 17th August 2024, Cllr Rue and District Cllr Whittle will be attending the stand for a few hours and the clerk will be on the stand all day.
Financial Matters & Clerk’s Report: -
04/07/2024 - The clerk presented the bank reconciliation and the bank statement and they match the chairman agreed and signed the paperwork
83/10/2023 – Drain outside the Indian restaurant – has been delayed as there has been some damage found that is under the road so repairs have been postponed. However, Mr Rowan reported that he would furnish the council with a date for the repairs as soon as possible.
004/06/2024 - First Aid at work certificate – Clerk to attend the course proposed Cllr Rue and seconded by Cllr Spry.
05/07/2027 - Clerk asked if her hours could be increased by 2 hours a month due to all the work the week of the meeting, the clerk left the room whilst the council debated this, it was agreed that it would have to wait until Christmas and it would then be looked at and added to the budget.
Clerk returned to the meeting.
05/06/2024 - Jamie Cheevers – Cllr Everard to speak to village hall regarding this.
06/06/2024 – All Policies were adopted and authorised proposed by Cllr Everard and Seconded by Cllr Dring. The new Financial Regs have now been updated at Lalc clerk is to make amendments and updates to Financial regs and present them at the September meeting.
06/07/2024 – Clerk is to email Cllr Keys with regards to obtaining the speed signs discussed previously.
Expenses & Invoices from
07/07/2024 - Cllr G Everard – grass cutting £29.77 proposed by Cllr Minucci and seconded by Chairman Melbourne.
08/07/2024 - Mr Panton - Grass Cutting £31.20 proposed by Cllr Rue and Seconded by Cllr Spry.
09/07/2024 – LALC – invoice for £108.00 to amend and update the website. Approved by Cllr Rue and seconded by Cllr Everard.
10/07/2024 – Team Sports and play invoice for VAT for play park Surface - £4,775.40. Approved by Cllr Taylor and seconded by Cllr Rue.
11/07/2024 - The Chairman asked the Clerk to do the VAT reclaim after the meeting.
12/07/2024 – Thank you, letters are to, be sent to Mr M Moreton for the lawn mower and to our previous Chairman Mr G Pout for his loyal years of service and hard work. Also, to the staff at Burdens Tractors for cutting the triangle of grass on behalf of the council.
13/07/2024 – The Notice Board – Is to be erected on site clerk has made contact with the grant people and they are happy for it to be anywhere on site, the notice board will be put up on the 6th of August.
7. Planning Applications – None
8. Correspondence – None
9. Date and time of next meeting: - 10th September 2024 at 7pm