December 2024 Draft Minutes

North Kyme Parish Council Meeting

Date:  Wednesday 12th December 2024    Venue: North Kyme Village Hall    Time: 7.00 p.m.

Present: Cllr G Melbourne, Cllr N Taylor, Cllr G Everard, Cllr J Dring, Cllr S Spry

In Attendance Mrs Carolyn Barber Clerk & RFO

1.    Chairman’s Opening Address 

2.    Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given  - Cllr Rue, County Cllr Keys & District Cllr Whittle.

3.    Updates from District Councillors: - 

•    09/11/2024 – Convex Traffic mirror – has been passed onto highways.

•    04/09/24 - Pet signs for either end of the village (Trish Chaisty) – Cllr Melbourne & Dist Cllr Whittle – To be moved to next meeting in March.

4.    Declarations of Interest-councillors must declare interests in planning or any items on the agenda. None Declared.

5.    Notes of the last meeting held on 13th November 2024 to be approved as the minutes.  Proposed by Cllr Everard and Seconded by Cllr Spry and they were resolved to be true and accurate minutes and signed by the Chairman.

6.    Updates from Councillors –
•    05/11/2024 - Cllr Taylor. – Dog Paddock – Agreed in principle, however, the doggy paddock committee need to provide a full written proposal to the council to include, but not limited to: dimensions, insurance, booking system, cleaning responsibilities, signage and maintenance. 
•    06/11/2024 – Cllr Taylor-Play Park Equipment  - Move to next agenda.
•    01/11/2024 Possibility of purchasing the Posts for the SID are £200 each we are to purchase two posts – Cllr Melbourne.  It was agreed that two posts would be purchased. 
Proposed by Cllr Melbourne and Seconded by Cllr Everard.

•    07/11/2024 – New shelter for toddlers – Update  - Cllr Melbourne - felt and nails have been purchased and it will be fixed as soon as possible.

•    02/11/2024 – Grant that can be claimed for play equipment? – Cllr Taylor still waiting to hear about the grants. Put on next agenda. 

•    01/12/2024 Councillor vacancy – Cllr Melbourne. Mr Tayor has expressed an interest in becoming a councillor this will be discussed in March when we have a full council present.

•    13/11/2024  - Phone Mast - Updates regarding mobile phone signal and Ofcom from Cllr Spry and Cllr Taylor. It was decided that this was not a council matter.
Report on matters outstanding –
•    01/10/2024 - Stickers for rubbish bins – 50 stickers have been ordered and we should receive delivery of them soon. To be chased up by clerk.

7.    Financial Matters & Clerk’s Report 

•    Bank Statement and Spreadsheet Balance – Paperwork too be signed  All adds up chairman signed paperwork.

•    02/12/2024 - Bank charges – Clerk reported that all banks except Co-op are charging but Co-op will be charging next year as well – We can claim the VAT and will continue to see what options are available. 

•    03/12/2024 - Clerk to get cash/debit point card for the account – Proposed by Cllr Melbourne and seconded by Cllr Spry agreed by all.

•    04/12/2024 - Clerks Hours to be increased by two hours a month’s = £28.72 a month which is £344.64 for the year which works out at 8.5%. Proposed by Cllr Spry Seconded by Cllr Everard, agreed by all.  This is to start in January.

•    09/10/2024 - Proposed Budget for next year – To be agreed on. The council agreed on £10,965.94 
Proposed by Cllr Melbourne and Seconded by Cllr Everard.

•    05/12/2024 - Newsletter to be placed on face book to cut costs – and to be called, “What’s on in Kyme”

•    13/10/2024 - New finance Regs to be adopted – Proposed by Cllr Melbourne and Seconded by Cllr Everard. Agreed by all. Clerk to keep a version control.

•    14/10/2024 - Standing Orders to be adopted and rules to be followed in standing orders.  –Proposed by Cllr Melbourne and Seconded by Cllr Everard. Agreed by all.

•    11/10/2024 - Health and Safety Policy - to be adopted - Proposed by Cllr Melbourne and Seconded by Cllr Everard. Agreed by all.

•    06/12/2024 - Co-option Policy and Procedure and Forms to be adopted.  Too be put on March Agenda.
•    02/09/2024 - Playing field Policy – Too be adopted. – Proposed by Cllr Melbourne and Seconded by Cllr Everard.  Agreed by all.

07/12/2024 - The Clerk met with Sarah Howseman who signed the policy on Thursday and was given a copy of the policy. 

•    08/12/2024 - Rospa Inspections – Need to be done for health and safety Insurance and Legal requirements under BS EN1176 and it needs to be displayed on the website.  The cost for Parish, Town and Community Councils is £80.00 plus VAT.  These costs are to inspect up to 5 items of play equipment. There is a fee of £4.00 plus VAT per extra item for each additional play item over 5. Proposed by Cllr Melbourne and Seconded by Cllr Everard. Agreed by all.

•    03/11/2024 Slide Repairs – Clerk has contacted them.  Waiting to hear back from them.  Insurance require three quotes for repair and three quotes for replacement.  Clerk to contact play days again.  Play Park Equipment installed 2017.

•    09/12/2024 - Letters to local businesses – to be put on next agenda.

•    14/11/2024 - Mobile phone for clerk – has now been handed over to the clerk – Completed.

8.    Expenses & Invoices – 

•    10/12/2024 - Cllr Melbourne  - New Santa Suit - £33.99
•    11/12/2024 - Supplies for Cllr Everard - £50.50

•    12/12/2024 - Invoice from LALC – Absent lunch charge Invoice 15257 - £15 

•    13/12/2024 - Invoice from LALC – Webmaster Charge for three hours £64.80

All Proposed by Cllr Spry and Seconded by Cllr Everard agreed by all. 

9.    Correspondence – 

•    14/12/2024 - Email from chairperson at village hall regarding village Hall – regarding funding that the village has been awarded for a possible Dog Park.

•    15/12/2024 - SLCC invoice to be placed on March Agenda as it received too late for agenda – Clerk has spoken to them and they are happy to wait.
•    16/12/2024 - Should we send Christmas cards to our volunteers – Cllr Dring. Proposed by Cllr Melbourne and seconded by Cllr Everard agreed by all.

10.    Planning – No Planning requests

Meeting closed 20.28

Next meeting 12th March  2024 at 7pm