December 2021 Minutes

North Kyme Parish Council


Date: Wednesday 8th December 2021   Venue: North Kyme Village Hall   Time: 7.30 p.m.

Present:Cllr RG Pout- Chairman, Cllr J Dring, Cllr G Everard, Cllr G Melbourne

In Attendance:

Glennis Everard – Clerk, RFO and Proper Officer Dist Cllr G Ogden

Parishioners 2

94/12/21 Chairman’s Opening Address: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked everyone for their involvement in a successful Christmas lights switch on. The event was very well attended and deemed a success.

95/12/21 Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given: Apologies were received and noted from Cllr A Yeomans, Cllr J Yeomans and Cllr Smith.

96/12/21 Notes of the last meeting held on 10th November to be approved as the minutes It was resolved by all Councillors at the meeting that the notes of the above meeting were approved and signed as minutes.

97/12/21 Declarations of interest – No declarations were received.

98/12/21 Report on matters outstanding

The Clerk reported that a Jetpatcher repair on the A153 (Anwick straight) was imminent this would be a stop gap until a major scheme comes forward. County Cllr Key had been advised Jetpatch ‘should be fine in terms of a lasting repair, even on this class of road.’

The bus stop had been reassessed but there is not room for a barrier and even taking into account the proximity of the haulage yard it is still classed as a low risk.

99/12/21 Financial Matters & Clerk’s Report

Cllr Pout still has to call the bank regarding a chip & pin card to access the account. The Clerk had not had a response from Cllr J Yeomans before the meeting regarding if he has received his chip & pin card. Clerk to send information on how to register to both.

The Council resolved to approve the following payments

LALC – Training   £54
Stationery Items   £9.70

100/12/21 To accept the budget for 2022 to 2023 and to decide the precept amount required for the forthcoming year

The Council resolved to accept the budget as prepared by the Clerk with a running costs figure of £8412. The Council resolved to increase the precept by 8.5% on last year’s precept of £7752 to cover the additional expenditure required for next year with ongoing road safety initiatives, the proposed Queen’s Jubilee, work being required on the bus shelter and a replacement picnic bench.

101/12/21 Planning Applications -21/1810/LDEXI - The Bungalow, Main Road, Anwick Fen: Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an existing use for use of a dwelling without complying with condition 2 (agricultural worker use) and 3 (personal use) of EK5359 - Erection of bungalow

The Council resolved there was no issue with the application and could confirm the applicants had resided at the property for more than 10 years.
102/12/21 To decide on the training and purchase of equipment for the Speedwatch initiative Cllr A Yeomans asked for this to be put on the agenda for the next meeting

Cllr Pout to try one more recruitment drive at the Christmas Party for a final decision in March.

Agenda item

103/12/21 To consider purchase of ‘village gates’ or a permanent Speed Indicator Device(SID)

The counsellors present agreed that the purchase of a permanent SID was possibly a more effective form of speed deterrent, although the village has been offered a set of gates by a local business. The Clerk is to look into cost, regulations etc for both options to feed back for the next meeting. Agenda item

104/12/21 To decide on the purchase of a refurbished laptop for the clerk at a cost of £150

The Council resolved to purchase the laptop and additional software at a cost of no more than £50

105/12/21 To consider what action is required to deal with advertisements at the Triangle. The Council asked the clerk to contact Cllr Key regarding his offer to intercede with Highways regarding the removal of advertising boards.

106/12/21 To approve the meeting calendar for 2022 -23 and discuss the Annual Parish Meeting

The Council resolved to reduce the number of meetings in 2022 to 8 per year with additional ad hoc meetings if required to cover urgent business.

107/12/21 Items from the Public Forum and updates from Councillors

Cllr Everard requested that the Council considers the purchase of a further set of Christmas lights to replace the remaining older lights in time for next year. The bus shelter needs some urgent remedial action following further vandalism. Cllr Everard to make safe in meantime.

Cllr Pout to approach the Tandoori regarding reparation for the electricity used for the Christmas lights in the form of a free advertisement in the Newsletter.

108/12/21 Date & Time of next meeting

The next Parish Council Meeting will be 9th March 2022 at 7.30pm.

109/12/21 Meeting closed at 21.00pm