October 2021 Minutes
North Kyme Parish Council
Date: Wednesday 13th October 2021 Venue: North Kyme Village Hall Time: 7.30 p.m.
Present: Cllr RG Pout- Chairman Cllr J Dring Cllr G Everard Cllr G Melbourne Cllr L Smith Cllr A Yeomans Cllr J Yeomans
In Attendance:
Glennis Everard – Clerk, RFO and Proper Officer Parishioners 0
66/10/21 Chairman’s Opening Address: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
67/10/21 Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given: Apologies were received from County Cllr Key and District Cllr Ogden
68/10/21 Notes of the last meeting held on 8th September 2021 to be approved as the minutes.
It was resolved by all Councillors at the meeting that the notes of the above meeting were approved and signed as minutes.
69/10/21 Declarations of interest – No declarations were received.
70/10/21 Report on matters outstanding
The ‘Coming Out-Out’ day was deemed to be a success with about 80 people attending and most of the people who attended enjoyed the event. There were however some comments on lack of planning, late advertising and advertised features that didn’t take place. It was agreed that a proper planning and delegation strategy should be adopted for future events.
Defib has been ordered. Sleaford Round Table have an electrician waiting to fit it once delivered.
Road safety report went off to Cllr Key and a Highways assessor was seen at the bus stop last week taking photographs.
District Cllr Ogden thanked the parish for the flowers.
A Brother business printer was purchased from Ink & Toner with full set of inks at a cost of £264.95 and is installed in the office. Clerk to invoice the Village Hall Committee for their contribution.
Speedwatch - Cllr Yeomans asked for Speedwatch to be added to next month’s agenda for a final decision as training courses are running imminently. Clerk to pass on volunteer details.
The Council resolved to purchase the dog poo bag clips sourced by Cllr Smith to a value of £15.
71/10/21 Financial Matters & Clerk’s Report
a) The Council agreed the Clerk could book ‘Understanding the Planning System’ training and the New Councillor training was also to be booked for Cllr Melbourne.
b) Cllrs were asked to consider any parish projects they would like to plan for in the next budget.
c) The clerk would like a lockable 4 drawer or cupboard style steel cabinet for PC filing at the village hall. Clerk & Cllr Smith to see what can be obtained second hand.
d) The clerk also reported that she is currently 13 hours over allotted hours. She suggested not holding meetings in January and February - to be added to the agenda.
e) The Cllrs approved payment of the following:
Geoff Everard Reimbursement £422.47
Clerk Reimbursement 137.54
INAGIFFY LTD Printer & Ink £264.95
LALC Training 27.00
Glynn Pout Reimbursement 125.00
72/10/21 Planning Applications
21/1359/HOUS Paddock View 2 Ferry Lane North Kyme - no objections 21/1365/FUL 29 Main Street North Kyme - no objections
73/10/21 To consider arrangements for Armistice Sunday
The Council agreed to hold a short ceremony of remembrance on Sunday 14th November at 10.45. They resolved to purchase a pump flask to offer tea & coffee afterwards. Final details to be discussed at next meeting.
74/10/21 Items from the Public Forum and updates from Councillors
Cllr Everard asked if we could decide on the Christmas lights switch on. This was arranged for 5th December at 6pm. The farmer agreed to pull out posts at playpark when he had time.
Cllr Melbourne asked for ‘village gates’ to be added to next month’s agenda.
Cllr Pout had been asked for horse warning signs to be erected in Ferry Lane – no further action at present.
Cllr Dring had brought a donation request from the Parent & Tot’s Group – To be added to November agenda. She also mentioned the state of the A153 going towards Anwick.
75/10/21 Date & Time of next meeting
The next Parish Council Meeting will be 10th November 2021 at 7.30pm.
76/10/21 Meeting closed at 20.50 pm