November 2021 Minutes
North Kyme Parish Council
Date: Wednesday 10 November 2021 Venue: North Kyme Village Hall Time: 7.30 p.m.
Present: Cllr G Everard Cllr J Dring Cllr G Melbourne Cllr L Smith
In Attendance:
Glennis Everard – Clerk, RFO and Proper Officer
County Cllr A Key Parishioners 1
77/11/21 The Council present nominated Cllr G Everard as chairman for the meeting
78/11/21 Chairman’s Opening Address: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited the parishioner to speak.
79/11/21 Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given: Apologies were received and noted from Cllr Pout, Cllr A Yeomans and Cllr J Yeomans. All had work commitments.
80/11/21 Notes of the last meeting held on 13th October 2021 to be approved as the minutes: It was resolved by all Councillors at the meeting that the notes of the above meeting were approved and signed as minutes.
81/11/21 Declarations of interest: Cllr Dring declared an interest in item 11 on the agenda.
82/11/21 Report on matters outstanding: County Cllr Key gave an update on the bus stop. He has spoken to someone at Highways about getting the risk factors reassessed in the light of the disputed scoring. Cllr Melbourne offered to liaise with South Kyme regarding the SID. Clerk to send him the contact details
83/11/21 Financial Matters & Clerk’s Report
a) Consider the resubscription to Scribe: The subscription to Scribe Accounts package had increased by over £100. The Clerk and the Treasurer of the Village Hall Committee agreed they could come up with a simpler method of keeping the accounts. The Council resolved to cancel the subscription.
b) Budgeting & precept: The Clerk presented the draft budget and the Councillors asked for amendments to make provision for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The Clerk advised she would be recommending no increase to the precept.
c) A price of £150 had been tendered for a refurbished laptop for the Clerk. Decision on the purchase to be put on next month’s agenda.
d) Cheques approved for payment
Cllr Melbourne Flask £36.58
Cllr Pout Filing cabinet and petrol £44.30
Cllr Everard Mower parts & newsletter £82.06
Cllr L Smith Dog Waste Bag Dispenser £8.99
84/11/21 Planning Applications
21/1359/HOUS – Paddock View 2 Ferry Lane North Kyme Lincoln - Approved 21/1307/HOUS - Campanet Tattershall Road Billinghay Lincoln – Approved
85/11/21 To decide on the training and purchase of equipment for the Speedwatch initiative. This is to be put on the agenda for December as Cllr A Yeomans was not present.
86/11/21 To consider requirement and purchase of ‘village gates’
County Cllr Key advised permission and certain standards were required to erect gates. He will send the Clerk a list of things to consider. Cllr Melbourne had sourced some for approx.
£450 inc VAT per gate. Considering the cost, item to be put on agenda for the next meeting to compare with the cost of a static speed sign
87/11/21 Approve the purchase of fence laths to repair fence at the village hall
The Council resolved that laths could be purchased as required.
88/11/21 Consider request for a donation from Parents and Tots Group
The Council resolved to donate £100 to the North Kyme Parent and Tots Group to help with running costs as numbers attending were still low.
89/11/21 To decide on the necessity of holding meetings in January & February 2022: The Council resolved to cancel the meetings in January & February to reduce the Clerk’s excess hours.
90/11/21To finalise arrangements for Armistice Sunday: Cllr Pout had sent a suggested order of service which was adopted by the Council. Cllr Smith will open the church and prepare for refreshments from 10am.
91/11/21 Items from the Public Forum and updates from Councillors
Cllr Dring asked about the advertisements appearing on the triangle. County Cllr Key advised that these were not to be permitted and will intercede to effect their removal if required by the Council. Item to be put on agenda for next month.
Cllr Smith asked about poppies on the lamp posts as seen in other villages. Clerk to source with a view to purchasing for next year.
County Cllr Key had feedback from a report of the Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Service. He advised that in most cases where they failed to meet the attendance time target it was because they could not find the incident. They were encouraging the use of the ‘What 3 Words’ app.
The Clerk had received a report from Dist. Cllr Ogden - Recycling in the purple bins was improved with not so many bins rejected.
Finance at North Kesteven is still on track but tight. The recent ‘Peer review’ had gone well. They had been told they were a good efficient council. They await the report to see what improvements are recommended.
Council meetings will get back to more normal after Xmas but some Cllrs like the mix of physical and virtual. Also in bad weather with delegates travelling long distances for short meetings, virtual meetings were preferable.
92/11/21 Date & Time of next meeting
The next Parish Council Meeting will be 8th December at 7.30pm.
93/11/21 Meeting closed at 20.45 pm