January 2021 Minutes

North Kyme Parish Council


Date:  Wednesday 13th January 2021   Venue: Remote Meeting Via Zoom   Time: 7.30 p.m.

Present:   Cllr RG Pout- Chairman   Cllr J Dring   Cllr A Yeomans   Cllr G Everard   Cllr P Sanderson   Cllr A Sanderson

In Attendance:

Glennis Everard – Clerk, RFO and Proper Officer Dist Cllr Ogden

Parishioners 0

88/1/21 Chairman’s Opening Address: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting after the Christmas break. He thanked Cllr Everard and Mr Panton for putting up the Christmas lights.

89/1/21 Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr J Yeomans.

90/1/21 Declarations of interest – Cllrs A & P Sanderson declared an interest in item 6. Planning.

91/1/21 To approve the draft notes of the meeting 9th December 2020

It was resolved by all Councillors at the meeting that the notes of the above meeting were approved and signed as minutes.

92/1/21 Feedback on Action points.

Cllr Pout had bought and fitted a new battery to the SID which now seemed to be working well although it may need a new solar panel in the summer.

Causeway lane has been assessed and works are planned. No details yet for when or what will be done.

Nothing further on South Kyme corner the clerk had emailed Dist. Cllr Young but haven’t received a response.

Cllr Yeomans had approached South Kyme about their Speedwatch team. They offered to do some in the village on our behalf in the hope this might generate some interest within the village. We will need to get some sites authorised by the Lincs Roadsafety Partnership first.

93/1/21 Planning Applications - 20/1701/FUL - Proposal: Retention and change of use from a temporary building used as a Road Safety   training centre to a temporary sales office for 3 years (Retrospective)

The general consensus was that the building in question has always looked unsightly and out of place and like a temporary building.  It is now in a bad state of repair.  It should either be removed or made to look more sympathetic with the village.  Clerk to notify NKDC of comments.

94/1/21 Financial Matters & Clerk’s Report

The Clerk has access to the new Scribe database and the accounts have all been added on and it has already hi lighted an anomaly with a cheque back in November which was overpaid by 2p.
The website is now live and the old one switched off.  The website address is https://north- kyme.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/

The Council resolved to approve and pay the following:

Battery for SID   £30.98
Scribe Subscription   £244.80 retrospective approval

95/1/21 To consider and set the precept for 2021/2022

The Council agreed to increase the precept by 2.5% on last year’s precept figure. This figure does take into account that there has been a slight underspend this year due to the pandemic whilst running costs for the council continue to rise and the replacement of some of the grass cutting equipment is expected in the near future.

96/1/21 To consider and decide on renewal of subscription to Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC)

The Council asked the clerk to explain the benefits of membership and resolved to continue with a subscription to the SLCC.

97/1/21 Updates from Councillors There was nothing to report.

98/1/21 Date & Time of next meeting

The next Parish Council Meeting will be 10th February 2021 at 7.30pm

99/1/21 Meeting Closed at 20.10 pm