May 2021 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

North Kyme Parish Council


Date:  Wednesday 5th May 2021   Venue: Remote Meeting Via Zoom   Time: 7.30 p.m.

Present:   Cllr RG Pout- Chairman   Cllr J Dring   Cllr A Yeomans   Cllr G Everard   Cllr J Yeomans   

In Attendance:

Glennis Everard – Clerk, RFO and Proper Officer Dist Cllr G Ogden

Parishioners 0

16/05/21 Chairman’s Opening Address: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and reported that he had received the report from the internal auditor, who had concluded ‘the audit was completed correctly and the books were kept in exceptional order’.  He thanked the Clerk for her diligence.

17/05/21 To elect a Chairman of the Council, in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s15(2).

Cllr Pout was duly nominated and re-elected to the post of Chairman.

18/05/21 To receive the Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office

Cllr Pout signed the Acceptance of Office form which will be returned to the Clerk.

19/05/21 To elect a Vice Chairman of the Council

Cllr Yeomans was nominated and duly re-elected to the post of Vice Chairman

20/05/21 To receive apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s85(1).

No apologies were received.

21/05/21 Notes of the meeting held on 14th April 2021 to be approved as the minutes It was resolved by all Councillors at the meeting that the notes of the above meeting were approved and signed as minutes.

22/05/21 Declarations of interest – No declarations were received.

23/05/21 Annual Report from District Council

District Cllr Ogden gave her report for North Kesteven District Council.

24/05/21 Financial Matters & Clerk’s Report

i)   Audit – The  internal audit concluded – no errors  or recommendations. The exemption Certificate had been e-mailed to the external auditor and an acknowledgement received.

ii)   Cheques for authorisation

BHIB insurance premium  £378.76 Alison Bourne   £25
25/05/21 To consider and verify the asset register for 2021/2022.

The Council resolved that the asset register was an accurate record of the Parish Council’s assets.

26/05/21 Consider and decide if action required regarding the post from the Van Centre being delivered to The Old School House.

To be put on the next agenda for Cllrs Sanderson to report on.

27/05/21 Review and decide on the future of the Parish Council Website

Cllr Pout has made progress with the North website.  The Clerk advised that the LCC provided website would have to run concurrently until at least September for the audit. The Clerk is to send Cllr Pout the guidelines for accessibility on websites to ensure compatibility.

28/05/21 Updates from Councillors

Cllr Everard reported he had received a phone call from Mr Gilbert who is pleased with the way the triangle is being maintained by the Council and asked to be kept informed of any future developments. He was also to speak to the contractors regarding the flood prevention works on the A153.

Cllr A Yeomans reported the 2 sites for the Community Speedwatch had been communicated to the co-ordinator and was awaiting approval.  He also raised this issue of smoke from a neighbouring farm’s bonfire being a problem.  Cllr Pout is to approach the landowner.

Cllr Pout raised concerns regarding a large structure being erected on the outskirts of the village.  District Cllr Ogden to check on planning requirements.
Th Clerk reported the issue of dog holes appears to have solved itself without Council intervention as no new holes had appeared.

29/05/21 Date & Time of next meeting

The next Parish Council Meeting will be 14th July 2021 at 7.30pm.

30/05/21 Meeting closed at 20.10 pm