April 2021 Minutes

North Kyme Parish Council


Date: Wednesday 14th April 2021   Venue: Remote Meeting Via Zoom   Time: 7.30 p.m.

Present:   Cllr RG Pout- Chairman   Cllr J Dring   Cllr A Yeomans   Cllr G Everard   Cllr A Sanderson   Cllr J Yeomans

In Attendance:

Glennis Everard – Clerk, RFO and Proper Officer Dist Cllr G Ogden

Parishioners 0

1/04/21 Chairman’s Opening Address: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2/04/21 Apologies: Apologies were received and noted from Cllr P Sanderson.

3/04/21 To approve the draft notes of the meeting 10 March 2021

It was resolved by all Councillors at the meeting that the notes of the above meeting were approved and signed as minutes.

4/04/21 Declarations of interest – No declarations were received.

5/04/21 Feedback on Action points.

The clerk had seen Mrs Baker, the church warden and she has withdrawn request for assistance for the church but thanks the PC for their offer of help.

A thank you letter has been received from LIVES.

6/04/21 Financial Matters & Clerk’s Report

1.   Consider if exempt from external audit review – The gross income and/or expenditure of North Kyme Parish Council is below £ 25,000 therefore the Council agreed they satisfied the criteria for being exempt from a limited assurance review under Section 9 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015. The Chairman signed AGAR 2020/21 Part2 on behalf of the Council.

2.   Consider and complete annual Governance Statement –The Council resolved to approve the Governance Statement and it was signed by the Chairman

3.   The council resolved to accept and approve the Accounting Statement prepared by the Clerk/RFO.

7/04/21 The Council resolved to approve the Clerk’s claim for extra hours and the grass cutting expenses of £33.04.

8/04/21 Planning Applications Nothing received

9/04/21The state of Vacherie Lane ie potholes and holes in the grass verge The Clerk had checked prior to the meeting and the largest potholes had already been reported on Fix My Street. The oldest had been scheduled for repair.
A parishioner had contacted the clerk after falling down a hole in the verge dug by another parishioner’s dog. The council resolved to have an informal chat with the parishioner in the first instance.

10/04/21 Speedwatch progress

Cllr A Yeomans had spoken to the Speedwatch coordinator and identification and approval of 2 sites was the next stage. South Kyme Speedwatch group had volunteered to do a demonstration to generate interest within the village once this is done.

11/04/21 Consider the requirement and purchase of litter pickers and collecting hoops

Cllr Pout had been approached regarding litter in the verges along Main Street. The Council resolved to purchase 4 litter pickers for use within the village.

12/04/21 Consider and decide the arrangements and meetings between 7th May and 21st June including the for 2021 Annual Parish Meeting.

The Council resolved to bring forward the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council to Wednesday 5th May. The Annual Parish Meeting is to be advertised both on social media and in the newsletter. Parishioners are invited to attend by Zoom or submit their suggestions to the Clerk.

The Council resolved for the Clerk to pay the renewal of the Parish Council insurance due in May, providing it came within the budgeted amount of £393.54, Local Government Act 1972 s101 applies thus removing the requirement for a meeting in June.

13/04/21 Items from the Public Forum and updates from Councillors

No items were brought forward.

14/04/21 Date & Time of next meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on the 5th May at 7pm followed by The Annual Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm.

15/04/21 Meeting closed at 20.40 pm