September 2021 Minutes
North Kyme Parish Council
Date: Wednesday 8th September 2021 Venue: North Kyme Village Hall Time: 7.30 p.m.
Present: Cllr RG Pout- Chairman Cllr J Dring Cllr G Everard Cllr A Yeomans Cllr J Yeomans
In Attendance:
Glennis Everard – Clerk, RFO and Proper Officer County Cllr A Keys
Parishioners 2
50/9/21 Chairman’s Opening Address: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting after the summer recess. During the break he and the Clerk had attended a meeting with South Kyme PC, representatives from the Ramblers and Sleaford Navigation regarding a blocked footpath on the North/South Kyme boundary. After consultation with the tenant of the property it is not likely to be reopened.
51/9/21 Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given: Apologies were received from District Cllr Ogden.
52/9/21 Co-option of new councillors to North Kyme Parish Council. The Council resolved to co-opt Leisa Smith and Graham Melbourne onto the Parish Council and the Declaration of Acceptance was signed by both. The new Cllrs were given further forms to complete and return before the next meeting.
53/9/21 Notes of the last meeting held on 14th July 2021 to be approved as the minutes It was resolved by all Councillors at the meeting that the notes of the above meeting were approved and signed as minutes.
54/9/21 Declarations of interest. Cllr Everard declared an interest in item 13 on the agenda.
55/9/21 Report on matters outstanding
Planning Applications – Farroway Farm, Anwick Fen 21/0943/FUL and 21/1039/HOUS 2 Ferry Lane, Bungalow extension have been approved
Plans are being formalised for North Kyme’s ‘Coming out out’ party on 26th September. Clerk suggested SK Speedwatch group were invited to talk informally and showcase the equipment in a bid to garner more support. Cllr A Yeomans to contact and arrange. Cllr Pout see if he can arrange a BBMF flypast as it is Lancaster Association Day and they should be flying.
56/9/21 Financial Matters & Clerk’s Report
The clerk had produced a report showing the remaining budget under each heading and informed the Council the ICO and PWBL instalment would be paid imminently.
The Council resolved to pay the following cheques.
G Everard - Newspaper Delivery £25 Cllr Pout – Chairman’s expense £69.52
Cllr Everard – Grass cutting Expenses - £19.77
57/9/21 Decide on the replacement of the defibrillator The insurance company had paid out the claim for the stolen defibrillator based on a quote from SHOCK Sleaford/ Sleaford
Roundtable of £923 and the Council resolved to purchase a replacement from this supplier. Clerk to arrange and to contact the insurance company to ascertain what they could suggest to prevent further damage.
58/9/21 Consider the size of donation to Royal British Legion in respect of the Remembrance Day wreath The Council resolved to donate £50.
60/9/21 Road Safety and Community Speedwatch update
Cllr A Yeomans advised there had been no further progress. The Clerk reported one more volunteer had come forward taking the total volunteers independent of the council to 4.
Regarding the speed issues the Clerk advised that LCC no longer refurbished rumble strips. Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership had provided 4 x 40 and 8 x 30 speed reminder signs for the village free of charge. They had also put the village on the list for a speed survey.
The extension of the 30-speed limit request had also been added to the assessment list.
Cllr Pout raised concerns regarding the safety of the children waiting at the bus stop and Cllr Melbourne raised concerns for children walking from the school bus down Ferry Lane as there is no footpath. County Councillor Key is to approach Highways to see if there is anything that can be done to improve safety.
61/9/21 Consider the joint purchase of a printer for the use by Council and Village Hall The Council resolved to support the purchase of a Brother Business inkjet printer/scanner/copier from Ink & Toner of Ruskington to the value of £280.
62/9/21 Items from the Public Forum and updates from Councillors
Cllr Everard advise that there had been some damage to the playpark fence which he had repaired. The picnic bench would be in need of replacement in the next financial year. There is an issue with hedge cutting behind the play park due to some disused poles preventing access. Cllr Pout to approach local farmer for their removal.
Cllr Melbourne asked if there was going to be another clear up at the triangle. The Council decided 25th September. Cllr Pout to speak to the Plough regarding provision of refreshments. A budget of £50 was agreed.
Cllr Smith suggested the provision of sponsored ‘dog poo’ bag holders with bags near the bins. Cllr Smith asked to investigate and report back at next meeting.
Report received from D Cllr Ogden. New purple bins delivered ready for first collection in September. Covid is still having an effect on District Council with Sleaford projects progressing slowly. It has affected everyone in some way mentally if not physically even if not had the virus. NKDC are taking in a share of Afghan with two hotels nominated for them. Stretched finances are having to go even further but money has been promised from Government.
The clerk was asked to send flowers to District Cllr Ogden.
63/9/21 Move to closed session to discuss Clerk’s terms & conditions
The Council resolved to offer to amend the Clerk’s pay scale from this meeting, to be reviewed in April to reflect her experience. The Clerk accepted.
64/9/21 Date & Time of next meeting
The next Parish Council Meeting will be 13th October 2021 at 7.30pm.
65/9/21 Meeting closed at 21.10 pm