July 2021 Minutes
North Kyme Parish Council
Date: Wednesday 14 July 2021 Venue: North Kyme Village Hall Time: 7.30 p.m.
Present: Cllr RG Pout- Chairman Cllr J Dring Cllr G Everard Cllr A Yeomans Cllr J Yeomans
In Attendance:
Glennis Everard – Clerk, RFO and Proper Officer County Cllr A Key
Parishioners 1
31/7/21 Chairman’s Opening Address: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and said it was great to see everyone back in person. Zoom had worked well to keep Council business on track and he thanked the Clerk for ensuring everything had run smoothly. He invited County Cllr Key to introduce himself. Separate report attached.
32/7/21 Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given: No apologies were received.
33/7/21 Notes of the last meeting held on 5th May 2021 to be approved as the minutes. It was resolved by all Councillors at the meeting that the notes of the above meeting were approved and signed as minutes.
34/7/21 Declarations of interest – No declarations were received.
38/7/21 Report on matters outstanding
The SID is currently not working. Cllr Pout is to ascertain the problem and remedy.
39/7/21 Councillor vacancies and covering their duties
The Clerk was asked to write to former Cllrs Sanderson and thank them on behalf of the Council.
Cllr A Yeomans volunteered to be the SID co-ordinator and Cllr J Yeomans volunteered to be a bank signatory. Clerk to send the South Kyme co-ordinator details to Cllr A Yeomans and the bank paperwork to Cllr J Yeomans.
40/7/21 Financial Matters & Clerk’s Report
The clerk provided a print showing the current balance of account and payments against the budget. Clerk was asked to provide the portion of budget available to spend on future reports.
b) Cheques for approval
Clerk’s Expenses £64.59 (mileage for internal audit, litter pickers, newsletter delivery & stationery) – payment approved
41/7/21 Planning Applications
Farroway Farm, Anwick Fen 21/0943/FUL – no objections
3 Ferry Lane – District Cllr Ogden had advised the clerk that NKDC were to ask them to submit retrospective planning permission
Van Centre update – the van centre has submitted their scheme of refurbishment to NKDC and are awaiting a decision.
The clerk had been contacted by a prospective purchaser of 43 Main Street, to ask if there would be any objections to demolition of the barn and replacement with a timber framed structure. Clerk to contact Dist Cllr Ogden for advice re planning.
42/7/21 Road Safety and Community Speedwatch
Cllr A Yeomans raised a point of order as the public forum is at the start of the meeting.
The Chairman suspended the meeting to enable the resident present to explain his issue with the road outside his house. The problem with the corner junction to South Kyme appears to be that people come out of the village 30 limit and speed up to then take the road to South Kyme (B1395) at excessive speed, sometimes without indication. There is also a problem with people taking the corner too fast and taking risks to exit the junction. The resident asked if ‘rumble strips’ or an extension of the 30 limit could be considered. County Cllr Key supported the suggestion to extend the speed limit. He also suggested ‘gates’ at the village entrances as a visual reminder that it is the entrance to a village as well as Comminity Speedwatch and suggested the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership(LRSP) was asked to have a police mobile speed camera van attend the village.
The Chairman reconvened the meeting and the Clerk was asked to contact LRSP regarding the police van and look at the cost of village gates/boundary signs.
Community Speedwatch update – 2 sites on Main Street have now been approved and South Kyme Speedwatch group will be asked if they can attend and demonstrate with a view to attracting volunteers.
Cllr A Yeomans to do a report to be included in the newsletter.
43/7/21 Adopt Standing Orders and Chairman’s Standing Orders
These were duly adopted.
44/7/21 Discuss a ‘Celebration’ event for the end of Covid restrictions
Cllr Pout suggested that as the village fete had been cancelled for a 2nd year due to the uncertainty over the lifting of covid restrictions that an event could be organised to bring the village together, including BBQ, live music, children’s entertainment, culminating in lighting the beacon.
A budget of up to £500 was agreed with a suggested date of sometime in September.
45/7/21 Items from the Public Forum and updates from Councillors
Cllr Dring asked if it was possible to have another waste bin sited somewhere near to the village hall. The liaison officer will raise at the next village hall meeting.
Cllr A Yeomans asked if a neighbour’s obituary could be put in the newsletter.
The clerk advised she would like to book - BREAKTHROUGH COMMUNICATIONS Using Facebook for 8th September. The cost would come out of the previously agreed training budget.
48/7/21 Date & Time of next meeting
The next Parish Council Meeting will be 8 Sept 2021 at 7.30pm.
49/7/21 Meeting closed at 20.45 pm