October 2022 Minutes
North Kyme Parish Council
Date: Wednesday 12 October 2022 Venue: North Kyme Village Hall Time: 7.30 p.m.
Present: Cllr RG Pout- Chairman Cllr T Chaisty Cllr J Dring Cllr G Everard Cllr G Melbourne Cllr N Taylor
In Attendance:
Glennis Everard – Clerk, RFO and Proper Officer Dist Cllr G Ogden
Parishioners 0
67/10/22 Chairman’s Opening Address: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the first meeting since July.
68/10/22 Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given: No apologies were received.
69/10/22 There was no Public Forum
70/10/22 Notes of the last meeting held on 13th July 2022 to be approved as the minutes
It was resolved by all Councillors at the meeting that the notes of the above meeting were approved and signed as minutes.
71/10/22 Report on matters outstanding
Bus stop – The junior school children are now picked up at the bus shelter, before the bus goes to South Kyme which has improved their safety.
SID – following the quote for over £500 for refurbishment Cllr Pout has looked to see what can be done for a more reasonable cost. He will attempt to get the SID going again.
Village Name sign – this is ongoing with no one accepting responsibility.
Signs at the triangle – Cllr Pout is to remove the Coach and Horses sign and speak to Green Barn regarding theirs.
72/10/22 Declarations of interest – No declarations were received.
73/10/22 Financial Matters & Clerk’s Report
The clerk had prepared the financial statement. Cllr Taylor confirmed the balance agreed with the bank statement.
The following payments were authorised.
Cllr Everard for grass cutting expenses £45.93
The Clerk for stationery items and delivery of the newsletter £48.99.
74/10/22 Planning Applications – none received
75/10/22 To formally adopt the revised Local Government Association Code of Conduct and receive Councillors declaration.
The above Code of Conduct was formally adopted by the Council. Each Councillor received a copy and signed their declaration. Clerk to notify NKDC of adoption and return the declarations.
76/10/22 Discuss Remembrance Day arrangements and resolve to buy a wreath and commemorative merchandise
The Council resolved to purchase 20 lamp post poppies plus a wreath for £100 donation or if the poppies are sold out a wreath only for £50 donation. Remembrance commemoration to take place 13th November at 10.45.
77/10/22 Discuss Christmas Lights switch on arrangements
The Council resolved to purchase a further string of Christmas lights to replace the oldest set. Cllr Everard to purchase. Christmas lights switch on 4th December at 6pm. Cllr Pout to check if the Tandoori are happy for us to use their electricity supply.
78/10/22 Initial discussion regarding budgeting, final decision to be made December 2022 meeting.
The clerk had produced budgeting figures for the Council to consider. Cllr Pout asked the clerk to find the precept information from last year for the December meeting. Clerk to produce the discussed budget for the December meeting.
79/10/22 Items from the Public Forum and updates from Councillors
Cllr Ogden gave her report from NKDC ID of either driving license or passport will be required for the elections next year. An alternative will be offered to those without the above. Some Electoral boundaries have changed, ours now becomes Billinghay Rural with no other change. District Council finances are stable at the minute but if there is no further input from Central Government budgets will have to be re-evaluated. There will be an Anglian Water consultation at Heckington village hall on 12th November 10.30 – 4pm with regard to the proposed reservoir.
Cllr Dring asked about the hedge cutting on the triangle and advised the grass alongside the footpath between Burden’s corner and Dring’s farm needs cutting back. The clerk to report that and at the other end of the village too.
Cllr Chaisty asked about the temporary siting of a Marie Curie Christmas Fair banner.
Cllr Tayor advised there had been some young men smoking cannabis in the church yard. A couple of residents had approached them and they had gone. Clerk to supply the PCSO details for if anything like that happens again.
80/10/22 Date & Time of next meeting
The next Parish Council Meeting will be 14th December 2022 at 7.30pm.
81/10/22 Meeting closed at 21.05 pm