July 2022 Minutes
North Kyme Parish Council
Date: Wednesday 13th July 2022 Venue: North Kyme Village Hall Time: 7.30 p.m.
Present: Cllr RG Pout- Chairman Cllr T Chaisty Cllr G Everard Cllr G Melbourne
In Attendance:
Glennis Everard – Clerk, RFO and Proper Officer District Cllr Gill Ogden
Parishioners 0
52/7/22 Chairman’s Opening Address: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. He acknowledged the resignation of Mrs Smith from the Council and thank her for her contribution
53/7/22 Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given: Apologies were received and noted from Cllr Taylor, and Cllr Dring.
54/7/22 Public Forum during the meeting for any members of the public present who wish to address the Council. There were no parishioners present.
55/7/22 Notes of the last meeting held on 8th June2022 to be approved as the minutes It was resolved by all Councillors at the meeting that the notes of the above meeting were approved and signed as minutes.
56/7/22 Report on matters outstanding.
The Clerk had received a letter from Mr Gilbert advising that no permission had been granted to the advertisers on the triangle. He asked if they could be removed. Cllr Pout to contact advertisers.
Cllr Pout had been in touch with the manufacturer of the SID and LRSP regarding a quote for a service. Once received it will be forwarded to South Kyme Parish Council.
The results of the speed survey of Main Street taken the week 5th to 11th May showing an average of 8298 cars per day through the village, with 26.8% driving at more than the 30mph limit. This is an average of 775 per day over the limit. Clerk to challenge the average speed of 29mph conclusion.
The Clerk had chased the NKDC regarding a new village sign with both NKDC and LCC denying it is their responsibility. Ongoing.
Pot holes on Vacherie Lane and the top of Newfield Drive had been filled but were not of a good standard with some holes being left.
57/7/22 Declarations of interest – No declarations were received.
58/7/22 Financial Matters & Clerk’s Report
The Parish Council Vacancy will be advertised and hopefully can be filled by co-option at the September meeting.
The following payments submitted to the meeting were approved for payment.
Petrol for mowing the playing field £52.11
Ink & Toner (INAGIFFY) £329.95
G Everard – MS Office 2019 Pro £34.99
59/7/22 Planning Applications – none received.
60/7/22 Discuss potential for further development/improvement of the Playpark
Cllr Chaisty asked if something could be done to improve the service of the playpark as the current surface was uneven due to mole activity and had nettles and thistles creating a potential health and safety issue.
Cllr Everard to measure the playpark and Cllr Pout to look into the cost of a replacement surface and any grants that may be available.
61/7/22 To consider the adoption of the revised Local Government Association Code of Conduct as adopted and recommended by NKDC and LALC.
The Council resolved to adopt the revised Code of Conduct for Members of the Council. Clerk to print a copy for each member.
62/7/22 Consider moving the date of the November meeting or rescheduling for October.
The Council resolved to have a meeting in October instead of November. Christmas light switch on to be discussed at the October meeting.
63/7/22 Report from District Councillor
District Council reserves had reduced over the past year. The 8 Passivhaus’ being built in Potterhanworth are now complete. These will form energy efficient housing stock. NK is still assisting Ukrainian refugees. The structure of some of the NKDC committees have changed including the planning committee.
64/7/22 Updates from Councillors
Cllr Pout advised that there were some maintenance issues regarding the Village advertising sign and asked if there was some money still in the budget. For that, the refurbishment of the bus shelter and Cllr Everard asked about the picnic bench. Provision had been made in the budget but the bench needed replacing so may have to wait until the next financial year. The clerk to research replacement costing for the next budget.
Cllr Pout had asked the owner of the Van Centre if they were able to move their fence back to provide more room for children waiting for the bus. He will check the legal position regarding boundaries.
65/7/22 Date & Time of next meeting
The next Parish Council Meeting will be 14th September2022 at 7.30pm.
66/7/22 Meeting closed at 20.25 pm