May 2022 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
North Kyme Parish Council
Date: Wednesday 11th May 2022 Venue: North Kyme Village Hall Time: 7.30 p.m.
Present: Cllr RG Pout- Chairman Cllr T Chaisty Cllr J Dring Cllr G Everard Cllr G Melbourne Cllr L Smith Cllr N Taylor
In Attendance:
Glennis Everard – Clerk, RFO and Proper Officer Dist Cllr G Ogden
Visitors 1
14/05/22 Chairman’s Opening Address: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting . He concluded that as there was no attendance for the Parish Meeting the Council was not doing anything the parish disagreed with.
15/5/22 To elect a Chairman of the Council, in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s15(2) and to receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Cllr Pout was nominated to take office as Chairman and duly voted in. Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed.
16/5/22 To elect a Vice Chairman of the Council
Cllr Melbourne was nominated for the post of Vice Chairman.
17/5/22 To receive apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s85(1).
No apologies received
18/5/22 Members Declarations of Interests, notification of Changes to Members’ Interests and consider any requests for dispensation.
None received
19/5/22 To confirm the appointment of the Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer and review the terms and conditions of the appointment.
Following her appraisal with Cllr Pout, the Council resolved to increase the Clerk’s hours to 14 hours per month plus 1 hour holiday pay and in line with the NALC 20/21 pay award raise her pay to SCP 9 from the 1st April 2022.
20/5/22 Policy Adoption and Review. Adoption of Standing Orders, Guidance and recommendations for chairmanship and the Asset Register as updated by the clerk The Council resolved to adopt the aforesaid policies.
21/5/22 Notes of the meeting held on 13th April 2022 to be approved as the minutes. The Council resolved to accept the minutes as a true record of the meeting.
22/5/222 Matters arising from the minutes
The abandoned car had been removed since the last meeting. The SID is working intermittently. Clerk to check with SKPC clerk that the SID will be on their agenda. Cllr Key had reported the signs on the triangle were not on LCC jurisdiction. Clerk to write to Mr Gilbert to ascertain if permission for them has been granted as there are concerns regarding clutter and driver distraction. The laptop is now critical and if a replacement hasn’t been received within the next two weeks a new one will be bought for the clerk.
The clerk advised there were currently 20 children registered for a commemorative coin.
23/5/22 Clerks Report & Financial Matters
i) The Internal auditor’s report had been received and all was in good order.
ii) The Council resolved to set the period of public inspection of accounts starting on Monday13th June to Friday 22nd July
iii) The Council resolved to authorise payment for the Internal Audit by cheque, and the Clerk’s expenses and arrears of pay from 1st April as an online payment.
The Council also resolved to pay the insurance renewal at a cost of £379.12
The Clerk also suggested that it was probably time to look into a separate account to hold the general reserve. Cllr Smith tasked to look into an additional saving account within the Lloyds account.
24/5/22 Annual Report from District Council
District Cllr Ogden gave her report on NKDC’s list of achievements which include a refurbishment of the National Centre for Craft & Design (formerly the Hub), , hosting workshops for small businesses, contributing towards the redesign of Holdingham roundabout, improvements to the River Slea and Lollycocks field, improvements to the High Street in Sleaford, Cogglesford Mill, and Mrs Smith’s Cottage, Navenby.
There are still Government Covid grants available. There has been criticism from the Government because Ukraine refugees are not being rehoused quick enough but this is due to Government processes. Planning processes are changing.
It is their AGM Thursday 12th May
25/5/22 Annual Report from County Council
County Cllr Key was unable to attend.
26/5/22 Items from the Annual Parish Meeting and updates from Councillors
There was no attendance at the Annual Parish Meeting.
Cllr Smith raised concerns brought to her by a parishioner regarding the speed of traffic through the village. The Clerk is to follow up the traffic survey.
Cllr Taylor advised a parent had suggested a youth club within the village. Will monitor the ages of those registering for the commemorative coins and perhaps canvas villagers at the jubilee event to check interest. She also raised that there had been a request that the grass in the children’s play area needed cutting. Cllr Melbourne volunteered to assist with the cutting.
27/5/22 Time and date of next meeting 8th June 2022
28/5/22 Meeting closed at 20.45 pm