June 2022 Minutes
North Kyme Parish Council
Date: Wednesday 8 June 2022 Venue: North Kyme Village Hall Time: 7.30 p.m.
Present: Cllr G Melbourne – Chairman, Cllr J Dring, Cllr G Everard, Cllr L Smith, Cllr N Taylor
In Attendance:
Glennis Everard – Clerk, RFO and Proper Officer County Cllr A Key
Parishioners 0
29/6/22 Chairman’s Opening Address: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and said the Jubilee weekend was a great success. He thanked everyone for their contribution to the event.
30/6/22 Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given: Apologies were received and noted from Cllr Pout and Cllr Chaisty.
31/6/22 Notes of the last meeting held on 11th May 2022 to be approved as the minutes It was resolved by all Councillors at the meeting that the notes of the above meeting were approved and signed as minutes.
32/6/22 Report on matters outstanding.
The Clerk had called Mr Gilbert and left a message but had received no reply. She had only just ascertained the address of Mr Gilbert and would write to him in due course although had been advised that due to his ill health he now spent a lot of time at the coast.
33/6/22 Declarations of interest – No declarations were received.
34/6/22 Financial Matters & Clerk’s Report
The first online payments had been made last month after a few teething problems. All future payments where possible would be made in this manner.
35/6/22 Update on Speed Indicator Device
South Kyme PC had rejected the Council’s request of gifting the SID so an estimate of the work required is to be sent over to them along with the proposal that North Kyme will take full ownership and maintain the device whilst agreeing to lend it back for special Speedwatch activities.
At the Jubilee Celebration £74.41 had been collected from donations plus both Boston Jive and Mega-Bounce had made a donation. This in addition to the £500 held in reserve means we will have in the region of £755 towards a new SID. Cllr Melbourne suggested asking local businesses within the village for a donation towards the SID. Cllr Key suggested the Clerk got in touch with The Clerk at Heckington as they had recently had a new one installed.
36/6/22 Planning Applications – none received.
37/6/22 To consider increasing the budget for the purchase of a laptop for the Clerk. The Council resolved to increase the budget to £500. Clerk to contact Ink & Toner Ruskington to see what reconditioned equipment they had and then compare with the cost of a new machine.
38/6/22 Update from District Councillor
Cllr Ogden was unable to attend.
39/6/22Update from County Councillor
Cllr Key gave figures from the Executive Statement that Highways had filled 45,000 pot holes in 1 year which worked out one every 11.6 seconds. Reports on faults and potholes should be made via ‘Fix My Street’ on the LCC website. https://fixmystreet.lincolnshire.gov.uk/
He also advised of the interactive map showing forthcoming major works accessed via the LCC website.
40/6/22 Items from the Public Forum and updates from Councillors
No public forum took place. No issues raised by Councillors present. Cllr Taylor asked if it would be alright for her husband to make some repairs to the village playing field notice board. All agreed it was.
50/6/22 Date & Time of next meeting
The next Parish Council Meeting will be 13th July 2022 at 7.30pm.
51/6/22 Meeting closed at 20.15 pm