March 2022 Minutes
North Kyme Parish Council
Date: Wednesday 9th March 2022 Venue: North Kyme Village Hall Time: 7.30 p.m.
Present: Cllr RG Pout- Chairman, Cllr J Dring, Cllr G Everard, Cllr L Smith
In Attendance:
Glennis Everard – Clerk, RFO and Proper Officer Parishioners 1 plus one joined at 8.15 pm
110/3/22 Chairman’s Opening Address: The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming everyone to the meeting after the long break. The last meeting had been in December and whilst January and February were traditionally quiet months it had been decided to not hold a meeting to save money. The plans for The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee were underway and there had been a call for evidence of usage of the river bank footpath near Ferry Farm on the boundary with South Kyme.
111/3/22 Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given: Apologies were received and noted from Cllr Melbourne and District Cllr Ogden.
112/3/22 Update on Parish Councillor Vacancies and Co-option of new Parish Councillor
Cllr’s Jack and Andy Yeomans had tendered their resignation since the last meeting. There was one applicant for the first post but the statutory notice period on the second applies until 30th March. Nesrin Taylor was formally co-opted onto the Parish Council and the Acceptance of Office signed.
113/3/22 Notes of the last meeting held on 8th December 2021 to be approved as the minutes
It was resolved by all Councillors at the meeting that the notes of the above meeting were approved and signed as minutes.
114/3/22 Declarations of interest – No declarations were received.
115/3/22 Financial Matters & Clerk’s Report
a) The Parish Council had gone over budget by £670 due to the replacement of the defibrillator, printing costs and the purchase of the printer.
The clerk had gone over her working hours by 20 but the decision to not hold meetings in January and February had reduced the projected overspend from 30. Clerk will submit a claim form at the next meeting.
b) There is now a need for another signatory at the bank. Cllr Smith volunteered.
c) The clerk had created dedicated Parish Council Gmail addresses for the Council which would be sent out and all future emails would be communicated through these addresses. Cheques approved
G Everard SLCC membership, newsletter, petrol, sundries £129.46
North Kyme Village Hall Jubilee Contribution £500.00
LALC Membership £154.49
116/3/22 Consider the 2022/23 subscription for membership of LALC
The Council resolved to pay the annual membership to LALC
117/3/22 Consider the 2022/23 subscription to the LALC Training Scheme
The Council resolved to pay for training as it was required.
118.3/22 Planning Applications
No new applications though the clerk had been notified that the agricultural clause on the Bungalow (21/1810/LDEXI) had been removed. The applicant had thanked the council for their support in the application.
119/3/22 To consider the best option to promote road safety & Speed reduction within North Kyme and decide on any expenditure in relation to this
The Council resolved to assess the repairability of the current SID shared with South Kyme before opening negotiations with South Kyme for the purchase of their share. The Council also resolved to start fund raising for a new SID. The budget for Community Speed Watch to be moved over to this new project.
Cllr Melbourne has indicated he is willing to take on the charging of the SID.
120/3/22 To agree the arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting
The annual parish meeting is to be held from 7pm on the 11th May with the chairman and clerk and any available Parish Councillors in attendance. The meeting would be followed by the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.
Parishioner joined the meeting.
121/3/22 Correspondence
In addition to the resignations a ‘Thank you’ letter had been received from North Kyme Parent and Tots for the donation. Cllr Dring advised the group’s 30th anniversary would be in 2023.
122/3/22 Items from the Public Forum and updates from Councillors
Cllr Everard as Village Hall Committee liaison asked that it be minuted that the car park resurfacing had been paid for by the Village Hall Committee.
Cllr Dring asked about the signs on the corner of Main Street and Causeway Lane. The clerk advised the matter had been referred to Cllr Key along with the photographs taken by Cllr Dring.
The Clerk also advise the village name sign had been reported and Dist Cllr Ogden was assisting.
Cllr Taylor asked about the reporting of pot holes. The Clerk advised reports could be made by anyone on ‘Fix My Street’.
123/3/22 Date & Time of next meeting
The next Parish Council Meeting will be 13th April 2022 at 7.30pm.
124/3/22 Meeting closed at 20.33 pm