February 2020 Minutes

North Kyme Parish Council


Date:  Wednesday 12 February 2020    Venue: North Kyme Village Hall    Time: 7.30 p.m.

In Attendance:

Glennis Everard – Clerk, RFO and Proper Officer Parishioners 0

96/2/20 Chairman’s Opening Address: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

97/2/20 Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllrs Dring, A Sanderson and P Sanderson.

98/2/20 To approve the draft notes of the meeting 8th January 2020.

It was resolved by all Councillors at the meeting that the notes of the above meeting were approved and signed as minutes.

99/2/20 Co-option of new councillor to North Kyme Parish Council.

The Councillors present resolved to co-opt Jack Yeomans onto the Parish Council and the Declaration of Acceptance was signed.

100/2/20 Declarations of interest – No declarations received.

101/2/20 Report on matters outstanding

Community Speedwatch was still to be advertised to get more volunteers before training could be organised.

The Clerk confirmed the new laptop battery had solved the issues and was working well.   The Clerk had contacted LCC Emergency Planning to find out where to send the Emergency planning document.

The Chairman had arranged for a £50 voucher for the Plough for Mr Graves as suggested at the last meeting.

102/2/20 Planning Applications – none have been received.

None of the district councillors were available for the meeting to confirm if any had been lodged.  Clerk to check with NKDC planning dept.

103/2/20 Financial Matters & Clerk’s Report

The Clerk had attended both Lloyds and Nationwide for the purpose of updating the signatories on the accounts.  Lloyds mandates had been prepared removing former Cllr Panton and adding Cllr P Sanderson.  The mandates were signed by the Chairman and were to be passed to Cllr Sanderson for his signature before posting.

The Clerk had been informed by Nationwide that a letter had been posted advising that  action was required to change the account but because the clerk was not the correspondent she could not be told anymore.  Nationwide advised that two current signatories would need to attend with the pass book to find out what action was needed.  Cllr Pout and Cllr Yeomans to action.