May 2023 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
North Kyme Parish Council
Minutes |
Date: Wednesday 10th May 2023 |
Venue: North Kyme Village Hall |
Time: 7.30 p.m. |
Present: |
Cllr RG Pout- Chairman |
Cllr J Dring |
Cllr G Everard |
Cllr G Melbourne |
Cllr S Minucci |
Cllr A Smith Cllr N Taylor |
In Attendance:
Glennis Everard – Clerk, RFO and Proper Officer
Parishioners 0
28/05/23 Current Chairman’s Opening Address
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked Cllr Melbourne for acting as chair in his absence. The Coronation event was deemed a great success with many people and families from the village attending, including some who had not attended previous events. He extended his thanks to those from the Parish Council and Village Hall Committee who had contributed to make the day a success.
29/05/23 Consider application(s) for Parish Councillor Vacancy and Co-option of new Parish Councillor - The Council resolved to co-opt Mr Smith onto the Parish Council. He signed the Acceptance of Office form and introduced himself to the other Council members.
30/05/23 To elect a Chairman of the Council, in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s15(2) and to receive the Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office
Cllr Pout was nominated and agreed to remain as Chairman. His Acceptance of Office declaration was signed.
31/05/23 To elect a Vice Chairman of the Council
Cllr Melbourne was nominated and agreed to remain as Vice-Chairman
32/05/23 To confirm the appointment of the Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer (By resolution the Parish Council may decide to move this item to the last on the agenda and exclude the
Press and Public as per Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960)
The Clerk has given notice and advertised the post; however, she has agreed to remain until either a replacement is found or August, whichever is soonest.
33/05/23 To receive apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s85(1).
Apologies were received from District Councillor Ogden and County Councillor Key.
34/05/23 Declarations of Interest-councillors must declare interests in planning or any items on the agenda and consider any requests for dispensation. No declarations or requests were received.
35/05/23 Policy Adoption and Review. Adoption of Standing Orders, Asset Register and other Policies adopted by the Council
The Council Resolved to re-adopt all Standing Orders and policies. The Clerk was alerted to 2 errors in the Asset Register concerning the ownership and value of both the Speed Indicator Device (SID) and the shared printer. Clerk to amend as necessary.
36/05/23 Notes of the last meeting held on 12 April 2023 to be approved as the minutes - It was resolved by all Councillors at the meeting that the notes of the above meeting were approved and signed as minutes.
37/05/23 Report on matters outstanding
Cllr Everard had placed a lock on the Parish Council notice board as requested by the Clerk
The new dog bin has been installed and is on the collection route both matters taken care of by the requesting parishioner.
Donations had been made to LIVES and Citizens Advice Mid Lincs.
38/05/23 Financial Matters & Clerk’s Report
- The accounts had been to the independent auditor and all was found to be in order.
- The Exemption certificate from the Annual Governance and Accountability Return had been emailed and a received receipt received. All documents relating to the return were now available for public viewing on the website and the notice of Public Rights had been displayed on the notice board. The Clerk advised that if the funding bid for the playpark were to be successful, then the Council would most likely be unable to claim an exemption next year.
- Payments for Authorisation - The Council resolved to pay the following:
Gard - Petrol for Grass Cutting £32.69
Clerk – Refreshments for Parish meeting & Mileage £23.90
Village Hall - Newsletter production for Coronation £20
39/05/23 Discuss and consider approval of insurance renewal from BHIB The Council resolved to pay the £386.53 renewal premium.
40/05/23 Planning applications: Application 23/0426/HOUS 80 Main Street North Kyme The Council resolved that they had no objections to the proposed planning application.
41/05/23 Discuss funding application for the playpark –
Cllr Taylor advised that for the bid submission the Council needed to decide which option they wanted to proceed with. The preferred proposals were from Playdays and Team Sport. The Council resolve to engage with Team Sport as they were able to undertake the resurfacing entirely themselves and within a 3-week time period. The bid also required evidence from users at the park that the improvements were necessary. Cllr Taylor had taken measures to gather the evidence.
42/05/23 Annual Report from District Council – No report received
43/05/23 Annual Report from County Council – The Clerk read out the attached report from County Councillor Key. Cllr Melbourne asked if members of the Council would be able to attend the June site meeting with Cllr Key and Rowan Smith, local Manager of Highways. The chairman confirmed this would be possible.
44/05/23 Items from the Annual Parish Meeting and updates from Councillors
There were no parishioners in attendance at the Annual Parish meeting but Beacon Fen Energy Park gave a talk on the proposals for two large solar energy parks in nearby parishes.
Cllr Dring drew the Council’s attention to the state of the Digby Fen Road.
Cllr Taylor advised that there was a potentially concerning treaty being proposed by the World Health Organisation with regard to future pandemic prevention.
Cllr Everard was going to replace the closing mechanism on the playpark as part of his weekly safety inspection.
Cllr Melbourne advised that the SID was still holding its charge and was back in the village for the next 2 months.
Cllr Pout to draft a letter to south Kyme regarding the SID repairs, arrange a working party to refurbish the bus stop and speak to Burdens regarding the grass cutting at the triangle.
45/05/23 Date & Time of next meeting
The next Parish Council Meeting will be 14th June 2023 at 7.30pm.
46/05/23 Meeting closed at 20.50 pm