North Kyme Parish Council - Vacancies
North Kyme Parish Council Needs you!
We have a vacancy for a Councillor!
Can you stand for election? Are you qualified to stand for election? Interested? Then please read on: -
- A Good Councillors Guide
- A Good Employer a guide for Parish and Town Councils
- Guidance for New Councillor 2019-20
- Qualifications for Standing for Election
For more information about the Parish Council or this website, please contact the Parish Clerk
by email -
or on call the Clerk on: - 07350 538674.
A person is qualified to be a councillor if they are 18 years old or over and a British, Commonwealth, Irish or European Union citizen. In addition, the person must meet at least one of the following criteria: -
1. On the relevant day and thereafter they continue to be on the electoral register for the parish; or
2. During the whole of the 12 months before that day they have owned or tenanted land or premises in the parish; or
3. During the whole of the 12 months before that day their principal or only place of work has been in the parish; or
4. During the whole of the 12 months before that day they have resided in the parish or within 4.8 kilometres of the boundary.
Town/Parish councillors hold office for a period of four years (or if elected part way through the cycle, for the remainder of that period only) and retire on the fourth day after the ordinary day of election.